Finches are small birds that occur naturally all over the world. They are sweet songbirds with varied plumage. Three are featured here, read more about them below.
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Styles and Colors
Zebra FinchThe Zebra Finch, also known as the Chestnut Eared Finch, is a bird native to Australia and the Oceania area. They're popular as pets because they're social and can also learn vocalizations!
Gouldian FinchThe Gouldian Finch, also known as the Lady Gouldian Finch, Gould's Finch, and the Rainbow Finch, the bird was named for the wife of British ornithological artist John Gould in 1844. They're beautiful birds that are friendly with others.
Owl FinchThe double-barred Finch is also known as the Owl Finch because of its framed face. They are gregarious birds with a soft chirp and a song similar to the zebra finch.