Landseer Dog
The Landseer is a Canadian dog closely related to the Newfoundland. It was declared its own separate breed in Europe where the bloodlines have separated more, but in Canada this black and white behemoth is still very closely tied to the Newfoundland. The name Landseer comes from Edwin Landseer who was a painter who created many depictions of these two-color Newfies and increased the popularity of the coat color to the point of creating separate “Landseer colored” breeding clubs back in 1896. The black and white coloration arises from the recessive piebald allele, which is also responsible for its adjusted appearance such as the longer legs and more tapered head. These changes are what led to the European declaration of the Landseer as a separate breed in 1976, although the UK and USA still consider it a variation of the Newfoundland.
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